Monday, February 24, 2014

Outside Class Activity

For the ones that do not already know, I am a competitive cheerleader for Platinum Cheer Stars. Platinum Cheer Stars (PCS) is located in Dinwiddie Virginia and has been open for six years now.  I cheer on two teams at Platinum Cheer Stars: senior four and senior three. I also coach two teams as well as cheering. The two teams I coach are tinys level one and juniors level one. The girls I coach range from ages three to twelve. Quick background information of competitive cheering it is separated by ages and levels. The levels depend upon the difficulty of tumbling and stunts one can do. In total there are six levels of cheer-leading. The levels I cheer for are three and four. Level three tumbling consist of multiple standing backhand-springs, running round-off-backhand-spring-tucks and front punches. Level four tumbling consist of standing tucks, standing backhand-springs to tuck/ layout and  running round-off-backhand-spring-layout(I am aware most of you have no idea what these tricks are) .I am not even going to try to explain the different level of stunts because it is going to be quite difficult. Each team has a different routine that last two minutes and thirty seconds. The routine consist of tumbling, stunts, jumps and dance.
This last weekend, on February 22, 2014, I competed in Jamfest Nationals in Hampton Va. I had to arrive quite early on Saturday morning because that is when tinys and juniors went. My tiny team went up against a whopping eight teams. They ended up placing second. I was truly happy with this placement. My juniors however had no competition, therefore came out with a first place win. Then that night came my turn to compete. Senior three performed at 7:55 pm. When we went back to warm-ups, this is where every team would stretch and warm-up tumbling and stunts before competing, I was feeling pretty confident. My stunt group it the stunt perfectly and my tumbling was going smoothly. When it was time to take the mat, my nerves set it. I always get a little nerves even though I love being in front of a crowd. On stage two minutes and thirty seconds feels like forever.  Overall the routine went pretty smoothly, expect for some tumble touch downs and stunt bobbles. Due to these mess ups I had no idea how we would place out of seven teams.  We ended up coming in second place. I was happy with this placement because our routine was not perfect, therefore we did not deserve anything better. Then it came time for senior four which competed at 8:40. This time in warm ups my nerves came quite early. I was already wore out due to just getting off the mat, plus my stunts were shaky during warm-ups. Before I knew it I was stepping out onto the mat for the second time. I instantly removed the tired look from my face and smiled confidently. When the routine was over I was quite disappointed in myself and my team. We could have performed a lot better. We had stunt falls and bobbles in stunt groups that never fall. This made me extremely worried because we were going against our rivals Richmond Twisters, and I knew we had to beat them. When awards rolled around I was overcome with nervousness. With surprised however, we ended up in second place out of five teams. I was happy with this placement for two reason: one we beat Richmond twisters and two we did not deserve first due to our not the best performance. At the end of the day I was content and extremely wore out.

Before judging whether or not cheer-leading is a sport one should come to a cheer competition.  Each cheerleader most be extremely athletic to be able to perform these action packed routines.  I am a firm believer that competitive cheer-leading is a sport and should be respected. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 5

Happy Valentines Day Everyone! I love Valentines Day because two days later it is my birthday. I will finally be the big eighteen. I will thoroughly enjoy not having a curfew, being able to buy lottery tickets, club and vote. I am upset about my birthday is on a Sunday though, because a lot of these activities will have to wait. Well during this week of Sweeney’s English 102 was quite unsuccessful.  Monday, February 10th,  class was canceled due to Sweeney having a sinus infection. I did enjoy going home after biology. Then on Wednesday, the only day we actually had class, the class got into groups to look over our rough drafts. Within each group, each person had to read aloud his or her story while others in the group wrote down their initial thoughts about the piece. Then each person in the group looked over someone else’s paper for grammatical errors. Later on Wednesday night is when the snow began. I was overcome with happiness when I found out Richard Bland would be closed on Thursday. Though I was upset on Thursday when it rained all day because I could not play in the snow. However all that sadness went away when it turned to snow. Within an hour of heavy snow, Richard Bland closed school for Friday. So therefore Sweeney’s class could not meet Friday. I am super happy about having a four day weekend. What a great birthday present! Thank you Richard Bland! J

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 4

It’s my birthday month! WHOO HOO! As the semester continues on, it becomes even harder to attend class in this awfully cold weather. Once the weather warms up I believe school will not be as miserable. I dread walking to and from classes in the blistering cold wind. To make it worse all this rain we have been having. I really need to invest in a pair of hunter rain boots. However, I cannot bring myself to spend $145 on rain boots. I cannot wait until the weather is a warm seventy-five. Now I will discuss another lovely week at Richard Bland College. Week four of Sweeney’s English 102 class was used to catch up on discussions, brainstorming, taking time to blog in class and looking at Sweeney’s adorable children.

On Monday the third, we did an in class activity on the two stories the class read. The two stories were “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor and “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. The class split into two groups. Each group had a different story. Each group then answered questions about their stories and then discussed their answers with the other group. Then on Wednesday the fifth we brainstormed for our upcoming paper. The paper is about comparing ourselves to a character in a story we had read. Last of Friday the seventh we worked on our blogs and look at Sweeney’s precious kids. His baby girl is the cutest.

Thank goodness another week is done. I continue to count down the days to spring break! J